There are lots of keyboard chords on this page. We take a look at major, minor, diminished, major seventh, dominant seventh, minor seventh and minor seventh flat five chords in all keys.
Major Chords
To form a major chord you use the root, third and fifth of the major scale. Let’s take a look at major chords in all keys as well as the notes they consist of.
- C major – C E G
- C# major – C# E# G#
- D major – D F# A
- Eb major – Eb G Bb
- E major – E G# B
- F major – F A C
- F# major – F# A# C#
- G major – G B D
- Ab major – Ab C Eb
- A major – A C# E
- Bb major – Bb D F
- B major – B D# F#
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Here’s a diagram of major piano keyboard chords in all keys.
Minor Chords
We now move on to minor chords. To form a minor chord you use the root, flat third and fifth of the major scale. Here’s a list of minor chords in al keys and the notes they consist of.
- C minor – C Eb G
- C# minor – C# E G#
- D minor – D F A
- Eb minor – Eb Gb Bb
- E minor – E G B
- F minor – F Ab C
- F# minor – F# A C#
- G minor – G Bb D
- Ab minor – Ab Cb(B) Eb
- A minor – A C E
- Bb minor – Bb Db F
- B minor – B D F#
Here’s a diagram of minor keyboard chords in all keys.
Diminished Chords
And now, we take a look at diminished keyboard chords. They are formed by combining the root, flat third and flat fifth of the major scale. Here’s a list of diminished chords in all keys and their notes.
- C diminished – C Eb Gb
- C# diminished – C# E G
- D diminished – D F Ab
- Eb diminished – Eb Gb Bbb(A)
- E diminished – E G Bb
- F diminished – F Ab Cb(B)
- F# diminished – F# A C
- G diminished – G Bb Db
- Ab diminished – Ab Cb Ebb(D)
- A diminished – A C Eb
- Bb diminished – Bb Db Fb(E)
- B diminished – B D F
Here’s a diagram of diminished keyboard chords in all keys.
Major 7th Chords
Major seventh chords are formed by combining the root, 3rd, 5th and maj. 7th of the scale. Here’s a list of major 7th chords in all keys and the notes they consist of.
- C major seventh – C E G B
- C# major seventh – C# E#(F) G# B#(C)
- D major seventh – D F# A C#
- Eb major seventh – Eb G Bb D
- E major seventh – E G# B D#
- F major seventh – F A C E
- F# major seventh – F# A# C# E#(F)
- G major seventh – G B D F#
- Ab major seventh – Ab C Eb G
- A major seventh – A C# E G#
- Bb major seventh – Bb D F A
- B major seventh – B D# F# A#
Here’s a diagram of major 7th piano keyboard chords in all keys.
Dominant 7th Chords
Dominant seventh chords are formed by combining the root, 3rd, 5th and flat 7th of the scale. Let’s take a look at this type of chord in all keys.
- C dominant seventh – C E G Bb
- C# dominant seventh – C# E#(F) G# B
- D dominant seventh – D F# A C
- Eb dominant seventh – Eb G Bb Db
- E dominant seventh – E G# B D
- F dominant seventh – F A C Eb
- F# dominant seventh – F# A# C# E
- G dominant seventh – G B D F
- Ab dominant seventh – Ab C Eb Gb
- A dominant seventh – A C# E G
- Bb dominant seventh – Bb D F Ab
- B dominant seventh – B D# F# A
Here’s a diagram of dominant seventh keyboard chords in all keys.
Minor 7th Keyboard Chords
And now we move on to minor seventh chords. Min 7th chords are formed by combining the root, flat third, fifth and flat 7th of the major scale. Here is a list of minor chords in all keys and the notes they are made up of.
- C minor seventh – C Eb G Bb
- C# minor seventh – C# E G# B
- D minor seventh – D F A C
- Eb minor seventh – Eb Gb Bb Db
- E minor seventh – E G B D
- F minor seventh – F Ab C Eb
- F# minor seventh – F# A C# E
- G minor seventh – G Bb D F
- Ab minor seventh – Ab Cb(B) Eb Gb
- A minor seventh – A C E G
- Bb minor seventh – Bb Db F Ab
- B minor seventh – B D F# A
Here’s a diagram of minor seventh piano keyboard chords in all keys.
Minor Seventh Flat Five Chords
The last set of keyboard chords we shall look at are minor seventh flat five chords. To form this chord, combine the root, flat 3rd, flat fifth and flat seventh of the major scale.
- C minor seventh flat five – C Eb Gb Bb
- C# minor seventh flat five – C# E G B
- D minor seventh flat five – D F Ab C
- Eb minor seventh flat five – Eb Gb Bbb(A) Db
- E minor seventh flat five – E G Bb D
- F minor seventh flat five – F Ab Cb(B) Eb
- F# minor seventh flat five – F# A C E
- G minor seventh flat five – G Bb Db F
- Ab minor seventh flat five – Ab Cb Ebb(D) Gb
- A minor seventh flat five – A C Eb G
- Bb minor seventh flat five – Bb Db Fb(E) Ab
- B minor seventh flat five – B D F A
Here’s a diagram of minor seventh flat five keyboard chords in all keys.
Piano Chords Charts
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